Paper Plate Butterfly

This paper plate craft lets your little one make a cute little butterfly to welcome spring! Grab the following supplies and let’s get started!
- Paper Plate
- Washable Paint
- Black Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Tape
- 2 Googly Eyes
- Pipe Cleaner
Let your child paint the paper plate. After it dries, cut it down the middle in a jagged or curved pattern – your choice. Cut a butterfly shape from the construction paper and tape each rounded side of the plate to the back, with the part you cut facing outward. Glue on googly eyes and a pipe cleaner for the antennae.
This is one of those versatile crafts where you can basically decorate it with whatever you have around the house. Instead of paint, you could use glitter, stickers, crayons or markers. Get creative! When done proudly display on your fridge or window for a little spring time decoration!

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