A Tribute to Sophie: The Best Big Sister Ever!

Sophie is such a GREAT big sister. She loves, LOVES, looooooves Audrey and has never shown the slightest bit of jealous towards her. She plays with her, hugs her, kisses her and makes her laugh harder than anyone can. It just warms my heart to watch them together and the relationship they are building.

Sophie has adored Audrey since the first moment they met. I can’t tell you how many times she’s told me she loves her baby sister.

Sophie meeting Audrey

I still remember the first day I brought Audrey into Sophie’s preschool and she was just beaming with pride as she showed “Baby Audrey” to all her friends. To this day she still likes to show her off when I pick them up from school.

Robbie is out of town for a few days and he jokingly told Sophie that he was going to take her with him on the trip. She said, “No, Daddy I can’t go because I would miss Audrey.”

A couple weeks ago I had to walk to the other room and asked Sophie to help me watch Audrey for just a couple minutes. When I returned, Sophie had brought Audrey 4 toys to play with, had turned on her music box and gave her a pretend ticket to Disney World! On many occasions, she’s given Audrey stickers for being a “good listener.”

Anytime Audrey gets fussy, Sophie is right there trying to cheer her up. The first thing she said the other morning when she got up was, “I’m going to go make Audrey laugh.”

She likes to help feed Audrey. She makes dinner time fun by playing peek-a-boo with her by ducking down under her high chair.

Sophie’s also doing an excellent job sharing with Audrey. Audrey loves to play with Sophie’s Little People castle and it hasn’t bothered her a bit. She usually sits right down and plays with her. Of course, Sophie expects Audrey to share too and has helped herself to many a toy from Audrey’s room.

She has a list a mile long of all the things she’s going to teach Audrey, including how to crawl, walk, color, swing on the swing, play with Play-Doh, ride a bike, play dress-up, go potty…. Audrey looks up to Sophie. Anytime Sophie is near she just wants to see what she’s doing.

Now that Audrey is getting a little older, they do everything together. They play…

They hang out…

They swing…

They laugh and ride…

They take baths…

We’re hoping Audrey is going to teach Sophie a thing or two as well….like how to not be such a picky eater. Audrey has a great appetite, and I hope that will inspire her big sister.

I’m sure they will have their moments of conflict — as all sisters do. But for now, I am so thankful that Sophie has welcomed Audrey to our family with open arms and is such an amazing big sister!

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