Pirate Treasure Map Craft

DIY Pirate Treasure Map

One of Sophie’s favorite shows is Jake and the Neverland Pirates. I swear I think she would watch it all day if I would let her. She has quite the imagination and has gone on many imaginary treasure hunts around the house pretending to be Izzy from the show.

The other night she asked Robbie to help her make a treasure map. I’ve seen her draw maps before with a squiggly line ending with an “X” to “mark the spot.” But with Robbie’s help, she stepped it up a notch.

You will need:

  • Paper grocery bag
  • Markers or crayons
  • Stickers
  • Lighter

Robbie cut out a map from a paper grocery bag. Then he and Sophie drew the “map” together. There are no guidelines here other than just making it creative! They gave the different areas on the map fun names and drew pictures of various landmarks. Sophie also added some Jake and the Neverland Pirates stickers.

Sophie & Robbie making the map

Sophie drawing on the map

She traced her hand and called it “Hand Island.”

Sophie tracing her hand

Then comes the fun part. Let your child ball up the map and stomp on it! The more wrinkles the better! Then open it back up, and you will have a nice worn looking map.

crumbling the map

Next burn the edges of the treasure map with a lighter to give it a worn look.

burning the corners of the map

burning the corners of the Pirate Treasure Map

This part obviously needs to be done by an adult but Sophie helped blow on the flames to keep them from burning too much of the map.

Sophie making the DIY Pirate Treasure Map_

Then she got to use it to hunt for treasure in the backyard! I’m so proud of Robbie for coming up with such a fun and unique craft!

Sophie & Robbie with the DIY Pirate Treasure Map

Love this sweet girl!


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