
Footprint Ghost

Make a ghost out of your child's footprint with this fun Halloween craft!

This simple and easy craft makes a ghost out of your child’s footprint!  All you need is white paint, a foam brush, black construction paper, glue and two googly eyes.

How to Make a Footprint Ghost Craft

To make the ghost, paint the bottom of your child’s foot with white paint and stamp it on the construction paper. After it dries, glue two googly eyes onto the heel. I made these with my one year old daughter Audrey.

Make a ghost out of your child's footprint with this fun Halloween craft!

This craft is about the extent of our decorating this year. This time of year we’re normally decorating for Halloween and planning a costume party. This year we’re surrounded by boxes as we’re packing for our move. We have to move out of our old home by Oct. 31st, and will be staying with in-laws for a couple weeks until construction is done on our new house in mid-November. I had no idea how overwhelming this whole moving thing would be!  We have a lot more stuff and a lot less time than the last time we moved almost 10 years ago. Can’t wait to be settled in our new home!

You might also like some of these other cute footprint crafts:

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