
Footprint Turkey

Things have been so busy around here with our move that we haven’t had much time for crafts. So today I’m sharing an adorable footprint thanksgiving turkey craft that I can’t take credit for! Audrey’s former teacher and my good friend Amber made this cute little footprint turkey craft with her last year. It’s one of my favorite arts and crafts she did as an infant.

To make one, you need white paper, brown paint, a foam brush, hot glue, scissors, two googly eyes and felt in fall colors. Oh, and a sweet little baby foot of course!

Use a foam brush to paint the bottom of your child’s foot with brown paint and stamp it on white paper. Let dry, then cut out. Cut five strips of felt that measure about 1 inch wide by 8 inches long. Fold the felt strips in half and hot glue to the back of the footprint to make feathers. Cut out a beak and wattle from the felt scraps, and glue on with the googly eyes to make the face. So simple and cute!

You might also like some of these other cute footprint crafts:

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